Coaching and Career Re-Boot Workshops

I work both with individuals and groups through my innovative and fun Career Re-Boot Workshops.

1:1 Coaching Conversations

Have you ever felt like you need to stop the world and get off for a while? To take stock of where you are and where you want to be. That is pretty much what coaching is. It is time that is 100% focused on you. When was the last time you had 60 minutes all about YOU. Luxury!

You set the agenda for our coaching conversations and I will partner with you to get the outcome you want. We’ll focus on your strengths and on the future. I’ll ask questions to increase your understanding and I’ll listen to provide you with new perspectives. I’ll be both a good cop and a bad cop because I want to honour your intention to move forward. If you are ready to prioritise yourself then this is typically how we will work together:

  • Our first conversation is kind of like a chemistry meeting to see if we are going to be able to work well together. These work best face to face, however we can arrange a Skype or phone session.
  • In our first conversation, we’ll discuss your goals and agree how many sessions might be useful. A large number of my clients only have 1 or 2 coaching conversations with me and then they are armed with the insights they need to move forward.
  • Conversations are 60 minutes long and if you want to have more than one, then I suggest they are about 3 weeks apart to allow for maximum learning.
  • Conversations take place in Mt Eden, Auckland or via phone or Skype.
  • Should you need to postpone, we can reschedule but please provide 24 hours’ notice.

In my client’s words..

I thoroughly enjoyed my journey with you. Your observations were insightful and inspiring.  You were able to pull out key points of focus with clarity and distil issues into little gems of wisdom. You have given me the confidence to explore what I really want and what I value and to draw on that self-knowledge when I am communicating who I am and what my strengths are. Thank you for all your inspiration and positivity and for widening my perspective! 

Arwen, Auckland, Oct 2019

“Thanks for all your help, I have learnt so much more about myself over the last 2 months and have become more accepting of who I am and how I think which I believe will help me immensely in the future.”

Gabby, Auckland, April 2019

Career Re-Boot Workshops

Thinking of returning to work or want to get a new job that plays to your strengths? You can find a job that works for you and your family by attending one of my regular confidence boosting workshops

If you start nodding your head when reading the statements below, then this event is for you:

  • You’re thinking of going back to work after a career break but don’t even really know what you do anymore.  Or where to even start?
  • You need a job that works for you and family. But you wonder do those jobs even exist?
  • You’re working in a job but it doesn’t play to your strengths and you’re just picking up a pay check. You wonder – why aren’t I playing bigger?

In this interactive and practical workshop you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify and re-connect with your strengths.
  • Describe and be proud of the additional skills you have learned during your career break.
  • Get clarity on the environments you thrive in.
  • Create your own concise and compelling elevator pitch that will make it effortless to answer that dreaded question  “so, what do you do”?

I will be your facilitator for the workshop and I have also designed the content for the Career Re-Boot Workshop. I will share my stories from my 25+ year career as a Senior Marketing Professional in Corporates in the UK, Ireland and NZ, a Working Mother and an Executive Coach. I am passionate about helping women to rise and enjoy specialising in coaching women who are returning to work – either after a career break or from parental leave. I am looking forward to sharing the insights I have gained through partnering with my clients to help them not just survive but thrive in their new normal.

Contact me on if you would like to find about the next date for 2020.